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Rostraver Youth Baseball Association

Rostraver Youth Baseball Association

Concession Stand Info

Concession Stand Options during Registration

You have two options during the season regarding the concession stand for players from T-Ball through Bronco divisions. Work it or buy it out for a fee. Pony and Colt age players do not apply.

1.    Working the Concession stand.

·         You are required to work the concession stand (2) times per season, per registered player from T-ball through Bronco divisions. Example, you have (2) kids registered, you need to work (4) times.

·         You will need to provide a blank, postdated, check prior to receiving your uniforms for the amount of your concession stand requirement. It will be for $120.00 per registered player. Example, you have (2) kids registered so your check will be filled out for $240.00.

·         This check will be destroyed once you fulfill your requirement. If you do not fulfill your requirement throughout the year, this check will be cashed at the end of the season.

·         Signs ups will be posted through sign up genius throughout the season.

·         See the additional concession stand information below, including FAQ’s.

2.    You can “Buy out” your requirement to work the concession stand.

·         Concession stand buy out is $120 per registered player. This is due at the time of registration.


Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Can we work any game, or does it have to be when my child is playing?

Answer: You can work any game you want. We recommend working the games your child is not playing in so you can watch your child play their games.

2.    My child plays T-Ball, do I still have to work the concession stand?

 Answer: Yes. You are part of the league and your volunteering is an integral part of our success! The concession stand proceeds play a key role in keeping the registration fees as low as possible.

3.    The game I registered for is cancelled due to weather, does it still count as a game worked or do I need to sign up for another game?

 Answer: You will need to register for and work another game to receive credit for working the game.

4.    Can I bring someone with me to work a game and get credit for them working?

Answer: Yes, you can bring someone with you to work a game and get credit for it. You can bring your parents/grandparents, etc, and they would just need to register under your name. You CANNOT bring someone under the age of 18 years old to work the concession stand.

5.    Can I bring a child with me while I work the concession stand?

 Answer: No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to stay in the concession stand the entire time you work.

6.    I REALLY enjoy volunteering and want to help this organization as much as possible, so can I volunteer more times that required?

Answer: WHY YES, we are an organization run by volunteers and could use as much help as possible!! Please do so if you can!

7.    I volunteered to be a coach; do I still have to work the concession stand?

 Answer: Most cases YES. HEAD Coaches and their families are exempt from working the concession stand and the buyout fee. Assistant coaches’ families are still required to work the concession stand. We have multiple volunteers each year for Assistant Coaches and some teams have 5 and we just cannot exempt that many people.


Rostraver Township Youth Baseball Association
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