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Rostraver Youth Baseball Association

Rostraver Youth Baseball Association

Player Code of Conduct

Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct


I take my conduct as a parent/guest/volunteer/spectator, and that of my guests, seriously and as such:

·         I will enjoy my child's opportunity to experience the benefits of the sport of baseball.

·         I will trust in my child's ability to have fun as well as to perform and achieve excellence on his/her own.

·         I will help my child to learn appropriate lessons from winning and losing and from individual accomplishments and mistakes.

·         I will respect my child's teammates and fellow parents, as well as the players, parents and coaches from opposing teams.

·         I will give only encouragement and applaud only positive accomplishments whether for my child, his/her teammates, their opponents, or the officials.

·         There will be a zero tolerance for heckling or arguing with officials.

·         I will respect my child's coach and support his/her efforts.  I will not instruct from the sidelines unless asked to by the coach.

·         I will ensure that my child will attend all games and practices possible and, when not possible, inform the coach in advance.

·         I will respect all facilities made available so my child can play games and practice his/her sport.

·         I will respect all RYBA and game officials and their authority during RYBA sanctioned events.

·         I will never demonstrate threatening or abusive behavior or use foul language.

·         I will be responsible for the conduct of my guests as if their conduct was my own, and I understand their conduct can affect my players status within RYBA.

·         I will be responsible to report to the RYBA any perceived misconduct by a coach, player, parent or official so it can be dealt with in the appropriate manner.

·         I also agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action for myself and my child. Those disciplinary actions can include:

·         Verbal warning by game official, head coach, and/or BBL representative,

·         Parental and/or child game suspensions

·         Parent/Family/Friend ejections will lead to player suspensions.

·         Game forfeit through the official or coach.

·         Suspension from attending or participating in any RYBA events for a full season.

·         Suspension from attending or participating in any RYBA events for life.

·         I finally agree to hold RYBA, its board, agents, representatives, coaches, umpires or volunteers harmless from liability for damages for its decisions regarding my conduct whether immediate or after the fact. All decisions regarding the above and my conduct shall be at the sole discretion of RYBA, its agents or representatives.


Rostraver Township Youth Baseball Association
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